Wednesday, March 25, 2020

March 2020 Coronavirus 101 in 1001 Update

Well hey guys...

Is a pandemic reason enough to have nothing much to report?
Surprisingly I actually crossed some items off!
We are now at 13 complete, 19 in progress.

Goal Comments
1Finish my Games List (or at least 155 games, the original number) In progress, but lets be honest we'll all be surprised if this happens.
2Get a Sim family from Gen 1 to Gen 10 Still on Gen 1 with no babies in sight - but at least I have a partner!
3Complete the Sims 4 Rags to Riches Challenge Haven't begun yet.
4Do a vegan runthrough of RimWorld where at least one colonist gets off the planet Actually going pretty well - we're about halfway through the technology tree and pretty self sufficient.
5Stream 100 times I would have to stream nearly once every 8 days to complete this. Possible to do, but maybe not with everything else going on.
6Replace my keyboard and mouse Mouse has been replaced! Now just need to find a keyboard I like.
7Get a boom for my mic Completed!
8Attend an RFLAN Had plans to attend RFLAN 66 but COVID-19 said no.
9Create my own computer game Technically I have started this because I did a "create a game" workshop. Woo, progress!
10Build my own website Haven't begun yet.
11Hit within the yellow circle of an archery target 5 times Considering COVID-19, I'd say this isn't happening this year either.
12Make 5 items that my SCA persona, Margarita / Margareta, would wear I have done precisely zero things.
13Become an authorised combat archer in the SCA I'm not sure if this is still a goal for me.
14Make the poles for my canvas tent or get rid of it Undecided now about getting rid of my tend.
15Enter an A&S competition Let's see if I can get back into the SCA first hey.
16Brew alcohol Haven't begun yet.
17Make Felicia Day's outfit in Do You Wanna Date My Avatar Haven't begun yet.
18Make a piece of clothing for myself that's not SCA related No idea what I'm going to make. Maybe finally make the moose pyjamas?
19Make 1 thing from the Danish renaissance cookbook Haven't begun yet.
20Make my own cheese My sister got me a cheese kit - I need to follow up and actually make the cheese though.
21Grow sunflowers Seeds are here, I am lazy.
22Grow a herb garden Seeds are here, I am lazy.
23365 Days of Haiku Failed
24Use my Thermomix 32 times I've made curried eggs twice!
25Create a piece of woodwork Have an idea, need to source wood.
26Finish/help finish my sisters apron Still hasn't been done. I'm not the best sister :P
27Go to Bali Hmmm… maybe not during this list.
28Spend the night in Perth city Still need to plan this.
29Go to Rottnest I went for my birthday! It was nice but a reminder that I need to plan my holidays so I'm doing things + Rottnest shouldn't be a "holiday" destination.
30Go non-SCA camping I need to find camping buddies.
31Visit 5 parks in WA I visited one! Went on a date to Bells Rapids Park
32Visit a cave in another state Planning to do this on a trip to SA
33Cage dive with sharks Planning to do this on a trip to SA
34Cross 2 items off my wine list I have drunk one of the wines... I think it's Spain I've crossed off?
35Cross 10 items off my meat list Tried escargot and rabbit. 8 more to go!
36Make a toasted spaghetti sandwich I don't know why this is so hard for me to complete.
37Eat at Alfred's Kitchen I don't know why this is so hard for me to complete. Especially now that I've learned they do deliveries.
38Go to a degustation restaurant Need to find a good one within the budget.
39Give up coffee for a month Completed!
40Go vegetarian for a week Not sure when I'm going to complete this one - would need to plan ahead with meals for it to work for me.
41Enjoy a margarita and margherita together Completed!
42No junk food for a month Completed!
43Create a signature cocktail for myself Need to try more cocktails
44Climb to the top of an indoor rock wall Work on upper body strength first, then think about this.
45Weight under 65kg Got to get back on the health eating and doing exercise bandwagon
46Eat my calorie limit (or under) for 30 days in a row Completed!
47Do a 70kg back squat Got to get back on the health eating and doing exercise bandwagon
48Do a 50kg bench press Got to get back on the health eating and doing exercise bandwagon
49Do a 70kg deadlift Got to get back on the health eating and doing exercise bandwagon
50Finish Zombies, Run Couch to 5k
A run a day keeps COVID-19 away!
51Finish Zombies Run! Season 1 Got to get back on the health eating and doing exercise bandwagon
52Do the remaining 9 CrossFit sessions mom paid for Calling it completed - I got to 8 before my wrist conked out and now my profile has been deactivated.
53Do a handstand Need to have my wrist at 100% first.
54Go rollerskating five times Put the rollerskates back on Pure!
55Ride my bike 10 times Maintain bike. Ride bike. Two things I must do.
56Read 50 new books I used to read so much. Got to get back to it.
57Complete Duolingo Danish course Was on top of Danish at the start of the year and it's fallen off again. We'll get there!
58Finish writing a novel This should have been "actually start a novel" XD
59Read all the books I own, but currently haven't read You don't have to read the books if you get rid of them and therefore don't own them *taps temple*
60Watch every Cunts favourite movie I've only watched one, need to watch more.
61Read every Cunts favourite book Haven't read any of these. I should start so I can knock off these and read 50 new books.
62Fill a standard sized notebook with a journal Standard sized notebook bought, ready for 2020 along with a Passion Planner.
63Honestly KonMari everything - with minimalism in mind I've been decluttering but not KonMari-ing. That'll come later.
64Listen to 50 TED Talks 1/50 completed. 49 to go!
If I make it a habit to watch one a week, this would be done by the end of 2020…
65Have six months of expenses saved Need to figure out what six months of expenses is, then work on this.
66Hand in 70% of uni assignments the day before they are due each semester *laughs*
67Complete an Inktober We'll see, not likely to happen due to uni.
68Win NaNoWriMo We'll see, not likely to happen due to uni.
69Update YNAB and keep it updated for three months Failed - I got rid of YNAB, as it wasn't working for me.
70Create a "Household Control" file so I can get rid of my filing cabinet I have the file, it just needs organising better.
71Join a club at uni I'd forgotten this was a goal! I joined four :)
72Take a non-uni related class No idea what to do for this one. Maybe woodworking, to get skills to make my woodworking piece?
73Go to the dentist Still to be done
74Get a pap smear Still to be done
75Try meditation Haven't started this yet
76Complete and pass UniReady Completed!
77Make a serious attempt at using an m cup Haven't started this yet
78Edit my sisters book and return it to her Plan to do this for her birthday this year.
79Write a letter to myself to be opened when the 1001 days is over Completed!
80Update my online blog once a month Going well so far.
81Take one photo each month of the list Let's go with failed
82Watch a local theatre production Still to do this
83Have an empty mending basket Haven't done any mending yet.
84Do 365 days of selfies Failed
85Sleep under the stars Still to do this
86Get a professional massage Need to book this in.
87Totally unplug for 24 hours Still to do this
88Own a fountain pen I enjoy writing with Haven't researched fountain pens yet.
89Have a beer while laying on my back in the shower, feet straight up in the air Completed!
90Shoot a gun Need to book this in.
91Go to a sauna Need to find a place with a sauna.
92Find out if I can become an egg donor and if yes, do it I got the email information, I just need to book this in.
93Have a party for my 30th birthday
*laughs in COVID-19*
94Use Hamster's present to me at least once Still to find a cord for this
95Put together the R2D2 figures I have Still to do this
96Escape an escape room Still to do this
97Use the teapot my mom gave me Still to do this
98Listen to live music Watched Sheppard! Completed :)
99Go indoor skydiving Still to do this
100Go canoeing or kayaking Still to do this
101Watch the Marvel movies and shows in chronological order Finding it hard to get Agent Carter online… may have to suffer the Disney + cost.