As my life begins to calm down I once again find myself returning to my goals and plans and enjoy looking forward to the future.
1. Finish my Games List (or at least 155 games, the original number)
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how many games I own now but I'd say it's over 200. I still want to focus on finishing off old games but I'll be impressed if I get through 155 in with 667 days left (one game every 4.3 days? Hmmm)
2. Get a Sim family from Gen 1 to Gen 10
Sims 4 has held little to no appeal to me in the face of other games lately. I don't see this as being a goal that I'm interested in focusing on, which also means...
3. Complete the Sims 4 Rags to Riches Challenge
... that this challenge is unlikely to be completed as well.
In the face of so many other games to play, Sims 4 just doesn't get me invested anymore.
I could probably look at doing something like these challenges when Paralives comes out but that's not going to be out before the end of this list.
4. Do a vegan runthrough of RimWorld where at least one colonist gets off the planet
I believe my vegan colony is pretty well situated and will likely get off the planet soon, if I actually play them.
5. Stream 100 times
So, I've streamed 5 times since this list started. 95 times to go, over 667 days means I'd have to stream at least once a week... looks, it's not IMPOSSIBLE, it's just SUPER UNLIKELY. But hey, we'll see.
6. Replace my keyboard and mouse
This isn't actually hard to do, I just need to find a new keyboard that I like. Definitely going wireless though. And now I want new monitors as well >.> And stands for them....
8. Attend an RFLAN
As soon as they announce new dates, I am there!
9. Create my own computer game
This is going to be on hold for a little bit while I focus on other things but I'm sure I can put something together.
10. Build my own website
Well, now I'm wondering... WHY do I feel like I need a website? At the moment I have no use for one so this goal might not get completed.
11. Hit within the yellow circle of an archery target 5 times.
I so cannot wait for archery training to be back on. Hopefully my wrist will be up to the task!
12. Make 5 items that my SCA persona, Margarita/Margareta, would wear.
I've actually been unpicking my old garb so I can repair it but I should probably get a wriggle on and start this one soon.
13. Become an authorised combat archer in the SCA
This is still something I would like to do but it's not on my priority goal list right now.
14. Make the poles for my canvas tent or get rid of it
At the start of this list I was leaning towards getting rid of it. Now I'm wondering if I should keep it... I need to find the pole dimensions list and start pricing things.
15. Enter an A&S competition
Waiting for events to start back up
16. Brew alcohol
Before my next update I will have AT LEAST cleaned my container for this.
17. Make Felicia Day's outfit in Do You Wanna Date My Avatar
I still REALLY REALLY want to do this. But, I also want to be in a physically healthier position to wear it.
18. Make a piece of clothing for myself that's not SCA related
I'm thinking a skirt. Or maybe a non-SCA apron for me. Haven't made a decision. Or maybe those moose pj's that will never get made ever.
19. Make 1 thing from the Danish renaissance cookbook
So, I actually started translating a recipe! It's for an apple tart :)
20. Make my own cheese
.... in a spur of the moment kind of thing, I'm going to make it these weekend! Just decided XD
21. Grow sunflowers
I will have to wait for the summer!
22. Grow a herb garden
Still on the list but my sisters kinda taken over herb growing and... it's hard to have interest when I feel like I'd just be overridden on my choices.
23. 365 Days of Haiku
Yeah, this is never happening
24. Use my Thermomix 32 times
I'm up to three times! I need to try some new recipes though.
25. Create a piece of woodwork
This one's on the backburner in favour of other projects at this point.
26. Finish/help finish my sister apron
It's a long weekend so I might get this one done.
27. Go to Bali
<Insert shrug emoji>
28. Spend the night in Perth city
Definitely not happening any time soon - too cold!
30. Go non-SCA camping
Well now that I have a NEW CAR, this is a lot more likely. Car camping counts, right?
31. Visit 5 parks in WA
2/5! We went to Reg Bond for my sisters birthday
32. Visit a cave in another state
If I get lucky and restrictions are lifted and all good, I'm going to SA for the holidays and I'll do this there.
33. Cage dive with sharks
See previous comment :P
34. Cross 2 items off my wine list
I'm in progress on this one - I know I've drank some new ones, I just need to add them in.
35. Cross 10 items off my meat list
Nothing new on this one, still in progress
36. Make a toasted spaghetti sandwich
I need to ask my parents if I can borrow their sandwich press
37. Eat at Alfred's Kitchen
38. Go to a degustation restaurant
On the list, just no a focus
40. Go vegetarian for a week
Don't know when this one is going to happen, it's going to need some careful planning.
43. Create a signature cocktail for myself
I'll get there some day. Should be something sweet and spicy!
44. Climb to the top of an indoor rock wall
Need to build the upper body strength first.
45. Weight under 65kg
*laughs in quarantine*
47. Do a 70kg back squat
48. Do a 50kg bench press
49. Do a 70kg deadlift
Well, now that my wrist is much improved, I should be able to start working on these goals. It was actually one of the things I was gonna look at this weekend actually.
50. Finish Zombies, Run Couch to 5k
51. Finish Zombies Run! Season 1
It's cold, it's rainy. I don't think these ones are gonna happen until the weather improves.
53. Do a handstand
Not my top fitness goal right now, but still something I'd like to do.
54. Go rollerskating five times
Once restrictions are lifted I might go to some sessions at the Rollerdome.
55. Ride my bike 10 times
So, one of the wheels is completely busted and needs replacing. On the schedule, just for when it's warmer.
56. Read 50 new books
Uhh... yeah.... I should get back to this.
57. Complete Duolingo Danish Course
I was going well and then my mood kinda changed and I was only doing the least amount of training. I'd like to regain my enthusiasm please.
58. Finish writing a novel
I should have made this "start a novel" because I haven't even done that part at this stage.
59. Read all the books I own, but currently haven't read
>.> Okay, well excuse me for one second while I go pick a book... alright, we will have read Elizabeth Kostova's The Historian by the end of next month.
60. What every Cunts favourite movie
Haven't watched any more since the last update.
61. Read every Cunts favourite book
Started this, I have not.
62. Fill a standard sized notebook with a journal
Not a lot of personal writing going on here I'm afraid.
63. Honestly KonMari everything - with minimalism in mind
I am trying!
64. Listen to 50 TED Talks
Jeez, why did I pick that I had to listen to so many?
I will say that I'm definitely more aware of how the next list shall be written.
65. Have six months of expenses saved
I honestly probably had this, but then I bought a new car. Onwards, we keep saving!
66. Han in 70% of uni assignments the day before they are due each semester
67. Complete an Inktober
This may actually be able to happen this year as I'm no longer attending uni.
68. Win NaNoWriMo
Same as the previous entry, I may have the time to complete this one this year.
72. Take a non-uni related class
Not a priority right now.
73. Go to the dentist
74. Get a pap smear
75. Try meditation
Still nope.
77. Make a serious attempt at using an m cup
I have it, just need to try getting it to work.
78. Edit my sisters book and return it to her
I still need to pick this one up.
82. Watch a local theatre production
When the quarantine ends :)
83. Have an empty mending basket
Oh hey, this is something I should be doing while there's a quarantine on, hey?
85. Sleep under the stars
Mmm some day when it's warmer :P
86. Get a professional massage
I am feeling the need for this right now.
87. Totally unplug for 24 hours
I'll probably try doing this at an SCA event I think.
88. Own a fountain pen I enjoy writing with
Not a priority right now.
90. Shoot a gun
Still to do
91. Go to a sauna
Need to find a sauna.
... going to leave this off here so I can get this entry in!
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