Monday, June 7, 2021

Self Change

 “It isn’t what we say or think that defines us, but what we do.” – Jane Austen


This is the quote for this week in my Passion Planner and what a perfect time to be confronted with it. Over the last few days, I have been having some heavy self-talk over something I have noticed about myself lately.

I have been getting angry, unjustifiably so, at people doing certain things. And I must admit to myself, it is not them I should be angry at. I should be angry at myself.

I’m angry at them because they are reminders of things, I should be doing myself, or they are being the Person I Want To Be. And that is not on them, that is on me.

Things I Am Angry At Myself For:

1. I do not use my time effectively. Some days I come out of my room, sit at my computer desk, and do not leave it all day even though there are moments where all I am doing is clicking from one site to the next, trying to find something to focus on.

2.  I do not walk my dog nearly as often as he deserves.

3.  I do not try creating things as much as I want to.

4.   I do not take better care of myself

    These things could all be turned into “I do” statements, but I have to put in the work to make that change.