1 | Finish my Games List (or at least 155 games, the original number) | |
2 | Get a Sim family from Gen 1 to Gen 10 | |
3 | Complete the Sims 4 Rags to Riches Challenge | |
4 | Do a vegan runthrough of RimWorld where at least one colonist gets off the planet | |
5 | Stream 100 times | |
6 | Replace my keyboard and mouse | |
7 | Get a boom for my mic | |
8 | Attend an RFLAN | |
9 | Create my own computer game | |
10 | Build my own website | |
11 | Hit within the yellow circle of an archery target 5 times | |
12 | Make 5 items that my SCA persona, Margarita, would wear | |
13 | Become an authorised combat archer in the SCA | |
14 | Make the poles for my canvas tent or get rid of it | |
15 | Enter an A&S competition | |
16 | Brew alcohol | |
17 | Make Felicia Day's outfit in Do You Wanna Date My Avatar | |
18 | Make a piece of clothing for myself that's not SCA related | |
19 | Make 1 thing from the Danish renaissance cookbook | |
20 | Make my own cheese | |
21 | Grow sunflowers | |
22 | Grow a herb garden | |
23 | 365 Days of Haiku | |
24 | Use my Thermomix 32 times | |
25 | Create a piece of woodwork | |
26 | Finish/help finish my sisters apron | |
27 | Go to Bali | |
28 | Spend the night in Perth city | |
29 | Go to Rottnest | |
30 | Go non-SCA camping | |
31 | Visit 5 parks in WA | |
32 | Visit a cave in another state | |
33 | Cage dive with sharks | |
34 | Cross 2 items off my wine list | |
35 | Cross 10 items off my meat list | |
36 | Make a toasted spaghetti sandwich | |
37 | Eat at Alfred's Kitchen | |
38 | Go to a degustation restaurant | |
39 | Give up coffee for a month | |
40 | Go vegetarian for a week | |
41 | Enjoy a margarita and margherita together | |
42 | No junk food for a month | |
43 | Create a signature cocktail for myself | |
44 | Climb to the top of an indoor rock wall | |
45 | Weight under 65kg | |
46 | Eat my calorie limit (or under) for 30 days in a row | |
47 | Do a 70kg back squat | |
48 | Do a 50kg bench press | |
49 | Do a 70kg deadlift | |
50 | Finish Zombies, Run Couch to 5k | |
51 | Finish Zombies Run! Season 1 | |
52 | Do the remaining 9 CrossFit sessions mom paid for | |
53 | Do a handstand | |
54 | Go rollerskating five times | |
55 | Ride my bike 10 times | |
56 | Read 50 new books | |
57 | Complete Duolingo Danish course | |
58 | Finish writing a novel | |
59 | Read all the books I own, but currently haven't read | |
60 | Watch every Cunts favourite movie | |
61 | Read every Cunts favourite book | |
62 | Fill a standard sized notebook with a journal | |
63 | Honestly KonMari everything - with minimalism in mind | |
64 | Listen to 50 TED Talks | |
65 | Save six months of expenses saved | |
66 | Hand in all uni assignments the day before they are due | |
67 | Complete an Inktober | |
68 | Win NaNoWriMo | |
69 | Update YNAB and keep it updated for three months | |
70 | Create a "Household Control" file so I can get rid of my filing cabinet | |
71 | Join a club at uni | |
72 | Take a non-uni related class | |
73 | Go to the dentist | |
74 | Get a pap smear | |
75 | Try meditation | |
76 | Complete and pass UniReady | |
77 | Make a serious attempt at using an m cup | |
78 | Edit my sisters book and return it to her | |
79 | Write a letter to myself to be opened when the 1001 days is over | |
80 | Update my online blog once a month | |
81 | Take one photo each month of the list | |
82 | Watch a local theatre production | |
83 | Have an empty mending basket | |
84 | Do 365 days of selfies | |
85 | Sleep under the stars | |
86 | Get a professional massage | |
87 | Totally unplug for 24 hours | |
88 | Own a fountain pen I enjoy writing with | |
89 | Have a beer while laying on my back in the shower, feet straight up in the air | |
90 | Shoot a gun | |
91 | Go to a sauna | |
92 | Find out if I can become an egg donor and if yes, do it | |
93 | Have a party for my 30th birthday | |
94 | Use Hamster's present to me at least once | |
95 | Put together the R2D2 figures I have | |
96 | Escape an escape room | |
97 | Use the teapot my mom gave me | |
98 | Listen to live music | |
99 | Go indoor skydiving | |
100 | Go canoeing or kayaking | |
101 | Watch the Marvel movies and shows in chronological order | |