Friday, January 18, 2019

Welcome to 2019, can I get a refund?

So, I've pretty much revived this blog/site so I can use it for streaming purposes.

I deleted some posts because there's the possibility this place will be a bit more open to the public than just my friends list and you don't need to know about my sordid past ;)

I am going to continue my Year In Review & The Year Ahead here though!

SCA (which I quit at the end of 2017)

What have you done that is new? Nothing, but I've been contemplating a (slow) return.

What was the best moment? No best moments, I haven't been attending.

What was the worst moment? Vaguely seeing some Facebook drama.

Have you held an office this year? Nope

Have you run anything this year? Nope

Have you entered anything this year? Nope

What have you made this year? Nothing

Who inspired me? I've been inspired by a few friends to return - mainly Ilaria and Alessandra.

What new things would you like to do next year (2019)? Start simply - make a full outfit on my own.


What single achievement are you most proud of? Dealing with the issues with my house. Being strong enough to quit my job when it was making me suicidal.

What did you set out to accomplish this year that you didn't make happen? I didn't lose weight like I'd planned to. Haven't saved money for holidays like I planned to.

What new places did you go in 2018? Nowhere new, but I got to go to PAX in Melbourne again which I was so happy about.

What new skills did you learn? I made a boardgame prototype! It was lots of fun and I still really want to complete it.

What was your favourite book? I read a lot at the end of the year. I can't think what was my favourite book though...

What was your favourite electronic game? Last year it was PUBG which has aged badly. This year I would say Dead by Daylight or RimWorld.

What was your favourite non-electronic game? Fluxx! Especially Pirate Fluxx

What was the best moment? Getting my lovely new job.

What was the worst moment? Suicidal thoughts due to my previous job.

If you had to describe 2018 in three words, what would they be? Glad it's over.

Epic Quest

Epic Quest is currently in the process of being revamped.


What do you want to see, discover, explore? Return to PAX. Begin studying.

Who do you want to spend more time with? Myself. Some of my internet friends.

What skills do you want to learn, improve or master? I'd like to focus on improving my writing (actually start writing) and my embroidery. < STILL THE SAME, JUST DO IT PURE!

Which habits do you want to change, cultivate or get rid of? I want to become a more flexible being in that when obstacles appear I don't instantly burst into tears. I'd like to read books more and be more present in the moment. < STILL THE SAME, JUST DO IT PURE!

What do you want to achieve career-wise? I plan to go back to uni in 2020, so this year focusing on getting through the prep courses.

What is your number one goal for 2019? Find happiness and keep it. (And still actually write on this blog more.)

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