Wow, what a sucker punch of a year, hey.
When writing my year review at the start of 2020 I could have never guessed how different life would look for most of the world at the end of it.
I have been utterly blessed with living in a) Australia b) Perth when it comes to government responses to COVID. Here's hoping to a new year filled with more opportunities to connect face to face with people.
What have you done that is new?
I made arrows! It's about the only SCA related thing I did this year.
What was the best moment?
Having pretty arrows :P
What was the worst moment?
For the second year in a row it's seeing the evidence of others personal conflicts. Seeing people so unkind and argumentative doesn't encourage me to return.
Have you held an office this year?
Have you run anything this year?
Have you entered anything this year?
What have you made this year?
6 arrows.
Who inspired me?
Andy for putting up with a lot of shit.
What new things would you like to do next year?
Last years response is this years response: More garb. More embroidery. More A&S entries. More events. Give me more!
What single achievement are you most proud of?
Survived 2020.
What did you set out to accomplish this year that you didn't make happen?
University. Between the pandemic and changes within the workplace it became the better option for me to defer for a year. Looking forward to returning in 2021, in a different course as well.
What new places did you go in 2020?
Technically the university was a new place, somewhat, for me? Otherwise the pandemic put this on hold.
What new skills did you learn?
A little bit of coding. Have definitely improved on interpersonal conversations.
What was your favourite book?
It's another same answer as last year. I reread more Tamora Pierce this year and also reread Richelle Mead's Bloodlines series.
What was your favourite electronic game?
Favourite new game is a toss up between Among Us and Fall Guys. My RimWorld addiction has also returned.
What was your favourite non-electronic game?
I think the only non-electronic game we've played was Cossacks.
What was the best moment?
That period of time where my mental and physical health were getting on point and I spent two weeks wondering if this is how good everyone else normally is.
What was the worst moment?
When my friends group broke up.
If you had to describe 2020 in three words, what would they be?
Glad it's over.
What do you want to see, discover, explore? Last years response because nothing ever happened: explore more places in Perth. Go on my SA trip to cage dive with sharks.
Who do you want to spend more time with? JACs.
What skills do you want to learn, improve or master? Embroidery, sewing, writing, weightlifting, Danish, university study, hiking.
Which habits do you want to change, cultivate or get rid of? Cultivate the habit of forward planning and sticking to my goals.
What do you want to achieve career-wise? Focus more on writing. When I'm at work I'm at work.
What is your number one goal for 2021? Passing uni with high grades.