Wednesday, August 28, 2019

101 in 1001 August 2019 Update

Hello you :)

Life has been very full on lately and I don't feel I've gotten as far into 101 in 1001 as I would have liked.
As I'm currently focused on getting into university, the uni's prep course (which is like 4 full-time university units) has been keeping me very busy. However I am determined and shall persevere. Even though I might not be able to finish all these goals I can at least get an inkling for why I chose goals and why they might not have been the best goal to choose.

Also, I think I didn't fully comprehend just how little time there is in 2.75 years. Some of the goals like "Stream 100 times" and "Read 50 books" are huge time sinks. I can at least make attempts though, right?!

I am now at 13 goals in progress and 5 goals complete!

Last month, these were the goals that were in progress:

My done goals are:

My in progress goals are:

New additions! The seeds for my sunflowers and herb garden have been bought. I'll be counting the herb garden as "grown" when I successfully have three plants growing that have/can be harvested once.

365 days of haiku and selfies will most likely become "not complete". They took a lot of power (and enjoyment) out of me. Bad goals for me, overall.

Rottnest is planned (and booked) for my birthday! I'll be going for two days and one night.

I visited Bells Rapids Park this month (and took my monthly photo there). It was a gorgeous walk.

I've nearly completed the CrossFit sessions but have been suffering with a wrist injury most of this month so I haven't attended. It's frustrating but I'll get through it.

Danish learning has taken its ups and downs but I am now back on the path to being able to honestly say "Jeg snakker Dansk!" I am very close to the first checkpoint of four.