Yes I stole my title from the name of my favourite game currently, Playerunknown's Battlegrounds (I have 400+ hours in it and I still suck).
Enough of the dramatics.
Settle in because this will be a large post.
I sat down yesterday/earlier today and wrote out what I wanted to be doing in 2018 and onward. Here's the list:
- Finish Cert IV in Programming
- Follow Barefoot Investor plans
- Follow No Shopping plans
- Be outside more
- Read more
- Write regularly
- Lift regularly
- Do yoga/stretching
- Provide constructive reviews
- Move more
- Be more present
- Find my Tribe
- Work on Epic Quest Items
- Move forward with my career
From this list I've decided to work on the following goals for this challenge:
- Finish Cert IV in Programming
- Follow Barefoot Investor plans
- Follow No Shopping plans
- Lift regularly
Let's discuss, shall we?
Well, I'm not going to be able to complete this during the challenge. It's a long course that I'm finding isn't engaging me AT ALL. But I paid nearly $4k for it (I'm still paying that off) and I need to start working on it again. So the step in relation to this goal is:
1. Spend 5 minutes every day working on my Cert IV in Programming
Why just five minutes, I hear you ask? Well, it was something Bean Sidhe mentioned that really struck a chord with me. You see, my mind freaks out at the thought of having to find a large amount of time to do something. But five minutes? Five minutes is easy.
To ensure I complete it, I've stuck a sticky note on my monitor to remind me.
My sister lent me her copy of The Barefoot Investor and I've had a read through and think it will work really well for me.
I've had to adjust the percentages that he recommends but my weekly budget should look like:
Daily Expenses - 70%
Smile (money for small pleasure items) - 7.5%
Splurge (money for larger pleasure items) - 7.5%
Fire Extinguisher (use this towards debts) - 15%
You're also meant to set aside $2,000 for your Mojo account (which is what you use in emergency situations like job loss, unforeseen medical expenses). I still need to find the money for this.
My steps for this goal is:
2. Change my bank account details with work to my new accounts
3. Stick to the percentages
4. Save Fire Extinguisher in my Splurge account for the five weeks then make an additional payment towards my student debt
5. Organise all items I'm putting up for sale - picture/catalogue as required (the money from this will go to my Mojo account
This idea comes from Cait Flanders' blog where she spent two years without shopping (except for necessities and items on a pre-approved list). As someone who hoards things as badly as a dragon which just causes her stress and anxiety, this is something I'd like to do. However there are a few differences between Cait and myself. Namely, I'm a homeowner and she isn't.
So now that I've told you I'm not buying things, here is everything I'll be buying in 2018+
The Essentials
- Groceries
- Gardening Supplies
- Toiletries
- Cleaning products
- Gifts
- Business expenses
- Education endeavours
- Travel/adventures
- Items on my pre-approved shopping list
Pre-Approved Shopping List (it's a long one)
- Dog door Installation
- Computer chair
- Aircon installation
- Standing desk
- Garden remodel
- Dishwasher installation
- Outdoor table & chairs
- Shelf system to cover bathroom window
- New Samsung dvd remote
- Car service/parts replacement
- Door makeover items - incl. handle
- Bicycle & helmet
What I WONT Be Buying
- Clothes (unless I lose weight and have nothing to wear)
- Shoes & accessories
- Books and magazines
- Household items
- Electronics & appliances
- Takeout food
- Desserts (I can however buy ingredients to make a dessert, just can't bring home pre-made ones)
- Alcohol (unless in a social gathering)
- DVDs & games
The exception is that if anything I own breaks, I can buy a replacement for it.
The step for this goal is pretty much:
6. Follow the No Shopping Plans
Figured as this is a fitness forum I should probably have one active goal. I miss lifting. But it's getting me to lift that is the sticking point.
So, much like the study step:
7. Spend 5 minutes lifting every day
Okay, I'm gonna go have a lie down now. :P